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Revised draft of Bay Plan Amendments and BCDC’s Strategic Plan: How will the revised draft of the Bay Plan Amendments (anticipated release will be in...
How will the new CEQA thresholds for toxic air contaminants affect infill development on the Peninsula? Read one opinion from Buchalter Nemer
Rod Diridon was not re-appointed to the Board of the California High Speed Rail Authority. What comes next for the Peninsula and what will the future...
SAMCEDA and The EVRE (Economic Vitality Research and Education) Foundation have formally engaged Beacon Economics to perform a multi-phase Economic...
Comprehensive Study of San Mateo County Economy Shows the Path Ahead SAN MATEO, Calif. – High-paying jobs in finance, science and health care...
SAMCEDA is proud to be partnering with the Bay Area Council to launch a “Landing Pad” business office in Shanghai, China. (Visit
Senator Simitian and Lowenthal Host High-Speed Rail Town Hall Meeting in Palo Alto, CA. More than 500 people gathered in the Palo Alto City Council...
