'55th Annual Progress Seminar' Recap

In April of 2024, nearly 300 people from all over the Bay Area came together to attend Chamber San Mateo County’s 55th Annual Progress Seminar.
The Progress Seminar is attended by elected officials, community leaders, and business professionals “...to convene the region’s thought leaders and decision-makers to tackle some of our community’s lasting problems and explore possibilities to harness eminent opportunities to continue to make San Mateo County a great place to work, live and visit.”
SAMCEDA’s President & CEO, Rosanne Foust served as co-chair for the event, alongside fellow co-chairs: County of San Mateo's County Executive Officer, Mike Callagy, San Mateo County Central Labor Council's Executive Secretary-Treasurer's Julie Lind, San Francisco State University’s Vice President of Student Affairs and Enrollment Management’s Dr. Jamillah Moore.
Co-Chairs, Foust and Dr. Moore, kicked off the weekend-long conference on Saturday morning with an opening general session on The State of Philanthropy in Silicon Valley: A Conversation with Nicole Taylor, President & CEO, Silicon Valley Community Foundation.
Following the opening general session, attendees engaged in breakout sessions:
- Strengthening Democracy: Country and Community
- Everyone Works from Home…Why We Still Need Strong Transit Systems
- Why is Artificial Intelligence (AI) a Positive?
- Follow the Federal Dollars – Funding Our Local Future
After the breakout sessions, participants gathered for the Luncheon General Session: Understanding Healthcare San Mateo County: Connecting, Collaborating and Caring to hear from local healthcare leaders.
To close out the Progress Seminar on Sunday morning, Co-Chairs, Foust and Lind, held a closing general session with Candidate Forums featuring:
- California 16th Congressional District Candidates
- Sam Liccardo, Former Mayor of the City of San Jose
- Hon. Supervisor Joe Simitian, County of Santa Clara
- Hon. Assemblymember Evan Low, California State Assembly
- San Mateo County 4th Supervisorial District Candidates
- Hon. Mayor Antonio López, City of East Palo Alto
- Hon. Councilmember Lisa Gauthier, City of East Palo Alto
“The 'Progress Seminar' is a one-of-a-kind event to discuss current issues, connect with leaders in San Mateo County, and build community,” according to Rosanne Foust, SAMCEDA’s President & CEO and Progress Seminar’s Co-Chair.
To learn more about Chamber San Mateo County’s 55th Annual Progress Seminar event (and for full session descriptions and list of speakers and moderators),
please click here.
[ From left to right: San Francisco State University’s Dr. Jamillah Moore, Silicon Valley Community Foundation’s Nicole Taylor, and SAMCEDA’s Rosanne Foust ]
[ SAMCEDA’s Rosanne Foust moderated two of the
Why is Artificial Intelligence (AI) a Positive? breakout session panels ]
[ From left to right: SAMCEDA’s Rosanne Foust, City of San Jose’s Former Mayor,
Sam Liccardo, County of Santa Clara’s Hon. Supervisor Joe Simitian, California Assembly’s Hon. Assemblymember Evan Low, San Mateo County Central Labor Council's Julie Lind ]