COVID-19: 5-Year Reflection

Since the declaration of the COVID-19 pandemic, many lives were lost, and countless families were forever impacted by its toll. COVID-19 altered and reshaped every aspect of life, from how we work to how we communicate, and beyond.
During this unprecedented time, numerous factors influenced decision-making across all fronts as a result of economic disparities, housing, public transit, industries/jobs/training, technology gaps, education/childcare, remote/essential work, and more.
As we mark the five-year milestone of the pandemic, SAMCEDA reflects on the recovery efforts we participated and contributed to.
- Business Liaison for San Mateo County
- San Mateo County Strong
- Communications
- Partnerships & Collaboration
Despite the uncertainty and hope we've faced, SAMCEDA’s dedication to our members, partners, and communities remains unwavering.
Business Liaison for San Mateo County
With the implementation of the Shelter-in-Place order issued for San Mateo County (as part of a six-county Bay Area response), residents were restricted to only the most essential activities. Businesses deemed “essential,” were required to physically close (in compliance with the health orders), placing significant strain on the economy.

[ Seven Bay Area Jurisdictions Order Residents to Stay Home press release ]
Designated by the County of San Mateo (as part of their Emergency Operations Center) to be the business liaison for San Mateo County, SAMCEDA was tasked to deploy critical information and provide tools & resources to the business community.
San Mateo County Strong
In the days immediately following the public health orders, the San Mateo County Board of Supervisors allocated $3 million of Measure K funds to launch the San Mateo County Strong Fund (SMC Strong) to provide immediate emergency relief for:
- Individuals/families (housing/shelter, food, clothing, and financial assistance)
- Small local businesses (relief and/or liquidity for small businesses)
- Non-profits (provide flexible operating support to nonprofit organizations)

Through the Silicon Valley Community Foundation, the San Mateo County Strong Fund was established as a fund specific to San Mateo County to ensure that 100% of all private and public funds raised remained within the county.
SAMCEDA worked with the County of San Mateo’s County Executive Office and the San Mateo Credit Union (now known as Monterra Credit Union) to develop the small business assistance program for the fund (including framework of the application process, eligibility requirements, evaluation methods, and funding procedures). The structure was designed to support ongoing grant-making phases as additional funding was secured.
While the County’s initial allocation of Measure K funds would support 100 small business grants, the demand of the number of applicants received was much greater.
SAMCEDA led the fundraising efforts by targeting major donors, cities, and community members.

[ San Mateo County Strong Investor Report: March - June 2020 ]
As generous contributions from donors and vital federal government funding were received, the ongoing phases of grant-making not only expanded but also evolved in scope and impact.
- SMC Strong (Spring 2020)
- Over $3.5M in Measure K and private & public donor contributions (with grants at $10,000)
- Small Property Owners Assistance Program (Fall 2020)
- $2M allocated Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act funding for small-scale residential rental property owners in the County who have been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic (with grants up to $6,000)
- SMC Strong (Fall 2020 & Winter 2020 / 2021)
- Over $3.5M in allocated CARES Act funding to small businesses in underserved communities (with grants ranging from $5,000 to $25,000)
- Partnered with Renaissance Entrepreneurship Center to administer and disburse the grants (while also supplying training and one-on-one consulting services to address small business owners' most urgent needs)
- Restaurant, Brewery and Winery Relief Program (Spring 2021)
- Over $3.5M in grants provided (with grants of up to $10,000 each)
- Funding provided by Chan Zuckerberg Initiative (CZI), County of San Mateo, and San Mateo County cities and towns
- Digital Tools & Training Grant (Spring 2021)
- $350K funding with digital tools & training to small business in underserved communities (with grants of $2,500)
- Partnered with Renaissance Entrepreneurship Center to administer, disburse the grants and supplying one-on-one technical assistance (including e-commerce website development, content marketing, SEO, and social media marketing training)
- SMC Strong Small Business Assistance Program (Fall 2021)
- $2M in American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding for businesses that have not received a grant or loan from the County, State or federal government during the past 12 months
- Microfood Business Grant Program (Winter 2021 / Spring 2022)
- $500,000 in ARPA funding (for grants of up to $2,500 for cottage food operators, $5,000 for caterers/food trucks/food carts, and $10,000 for commissaries/incubator kitchens)
- Microenterprise Home Kitchen Operators (MEHKO) Ordinance, Pilot and Grant Program (Winter 2021)
- $300,000 in ARPA funding (for grants of $2,500 to 25 MEHKO permit holders and San Mateo County Health’s Environmental Health Services to operate MEHKO pilot permitting program)
- California Microbusiness COVID-19 Relief Grant (Spring 2022)
- $964,630 in funding issued through the California Office of the Small Business Advocate in funding to certain microbusinesses located in San Mateo County (with grants of $2,500)
- Partnered with Renaissance Entrepreneurship Center to administer and disburse the grants
- North Fair Oaks Small Business Grant Program (Spring 2022)
- $512,500 in ARPA funds to eligible small businesses located in unincorporated North Fair Oaks (for $5,000 grants to 100 COVID-impacted small businesses with a physical presence in North Fair Oaks)
SAMCEDA and the County worked closely with elected officials, cities, local chambers of commerce, and a range of community-based organizations to raise awareness about available small business grants.
To ensure the message reached a broad and diverse audience, a multilingual outreach strategy was implemented, featuring a marketing campaign with printed/digital flyers and a dedicated application assistance hotline (in English, Spanish, Chinese, and Tagalog).
SAMCEDA greatly appreciates the contributions of all its donors and the support from our partners (the County of San Mateo, Office of Community Affairs, Monterra Credit Union, Renaissance Entrepreneurship Center, Silicon Valley Community Foundation, the Peninsula Chinese Business Association, Environmental Innovations, and other organizations) with raising the awareness of the grants and deploying the funds.
With so much uncertainty during the pandemic, SAMCEDA became the trusted go-to source by disseminating COVID-19 and business updates.

[ During the pandemic, SAMCEDA adjusted its website to
include COVID-19 information, tools, and resources
for the public and business community ]
SAMCEDA informed members, chambers, elected officials, cities/towns, and other stakeholders, as well as the public, with the latest information, business & general updates, opportunities, and findings (through presentations/virtual meetings, emails, social media platforms, and more).
- SAMCEDA Website
- Provided COVID-19 General Resources (with consolidated federal, state, local & industry resources and COVID-19 health updates, vaccination/testing sites, reopening/closing announcements), job opportunities, financial relief, and business recovery resources (with Document Display Requirements for Businesses, the COVID-19 Business Continuity Action Plan, business and workplace guidance/articles and employer resources, and more)
- Daily SAMCEDA Newsletters and Social Media Reposts
- Highlighted current updates and announcements (county/state/federal news, grant/fellowship/career advancement opportunities, article insights, business resource/tools, and more.) through our daily newsletters and social media platforms
- Surveys
- SAMCEDA conducted the San Mateo County COVID-19 Business Economic Impact Survey and the San Mateo County COVID-19 Small Business Reopening and Recovery Survey to get a pulse on how the pandemic is affecting businesses and determining the ongoing needs of business for recovery efforts
Partnerships & Collaboration
SAMCEDA worked cross-functionally with government agencies, elected officials, local chambers of commerce, foundations, and business/community-based organizations across the county on issues where the business community could both provide and receive support.

[ County of San Mateo's Stay Safe & Shop Local campaign ]
Some examples include (partial list):
- Amplified the County of San Mateo’s Campaigns and Messaging
- Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) - an initiative that supplies free PPE to small businesses and non-profits during the Shelter-in-Place order
- Great Plates Delivered SMC - a program that delivers meals to the homes of older, high-risk adults through local food services and providers (helping them continue operations during the pandemic)
- Shop Local for Your Holidays - a multilingual campaign encouraging residents to support small businesses during the holidays by shopping locally
- Our Comeback - a multilingual public service announcement sharing effective, simple ways to stop the spread of COVID-19
- Policy
- Participated in virtual convenings with the stakeholders to monitor the economy, federal/state/local fiscal & legislative issues, and any impacts that will affect our local and business community
- Highlighted current updates and announcements through our daily newsletters and social media platforms
- Participation with the County’s SMC Recovery Initiative
- Recovery Coordination Council (now known as Shared Prosperity Coordinating Council)
- Economic Recovery Committee
- Vaccine Communications & Equity Working Group Committee
- Public Information and Outreach/Equity Group Committee
- Working Together to End Homelessness Convening Planning Committee
- Economic Research & Key Findings
- Countywide economic insights featured in the San Mateo County Regional Report through our partnership with the National Economic Education Delegation (NEED)
- Highlighted member findings (e.g. Facebook’s Global State of Small Business Report, Stanford Graduate School of Business’ State of Latino Entrepreneurship, LinkedIn’s Economic Graph, and more)
- Promoted member virtual events (Wells Fargo’s Connect to More Speaker Series Q3 2022: Economic Trends Impacting Women Entrepreneurs, County of San Mateo’s Good for Communities, Families, and the Economy, and more)
- Small Businesses
- Worked with the County of San Mateo’s County Executive Office, Silicon Valley Community Foundation, and the San Mateo Credit Union (now known as Monterra Credit Union) to develop San Mateo County Strong to provide immediate emergency relief for small businesses
- Led San Mateo County Strong’s fundraising efforts by targeting major donors, cities, and community members to support small businesses
- UPDATE: Through private and public contributions, millions of dollars were raised
- Advocated for Renaissance Entrepreneurship Center to be the U.S. Small Business Administration’s Small Business Development Center (SBDC) host for San Mateo County to support small businesses, create jobs, and strengthen local economic vitality
- UPDATE: Renaissance Entrepreneurship Center serves as the host for the San Mateo Small Business Development Center (SBDC) located in SAMCEDA’s office in San Mateo
- In partnership with the County of San Mateo, launched Choose Local San Mateo County, an initiative that enables shoppers to earn rewards instantly at participating small businesses across seven pilot areas through a mobile app to promote shopping locally
- Partnered Webinars
- Document Display Requirements for Your Business in San Mateo County with the San Mateo County Health’s Environmental Health Services
- Update on Pre & Post Pandemic and the Future of Air Travel with San Francisco International Airport (SFO)
- Small Business Resource Webinar with Renaissance Entrepreneurship Center, The Acceleration Project (TAP), and the San Mateo Area Chamber of Commerce
- San Mateo County Economic Recovery Roundtable Series with the County of Mateo, NOVAworks, Bay Area Council, and Silicon Valley Community Foundation with topics on:
- Understanding the Economic Impacts of the Pandemic: What Has and Has Not Changed
- Getting Back to Work: New Models for Quality Jobs and Workforce Development
- Supporting Vibrant Downtowns: Helping Out Local Businesses Thrive into the Future
- Fostering Economic Resilience: Meeting Worker Needs for Childcare, Housing, and Other Essentials
- Workforce
- Contributed to NOVAworks’ County of San Mateo Strategic Plan for Workforce Recovery report
- Promoted the NOVAworks’ Paid Work Experience Program that provided work-based learning and holiday help to San Mateo County businesses
- Highlighted member findings (e.g. Biocom California and California Life Sciences’ Life Sciences Workforce Trends Report, LinkedIn’s Jobs on the Rise, and more)
- Participated in Stanford Graduate School of Education’s An Applied Science to Support Working Learners virtual convening to frame and create new opportunities for working learners
- UPDATE: SAMCEDA served as a community collaborator to Stanford University’s Design Fellowship (Graduate School of Education) External Group to build and study new employment/education pathways for working learners in Silicon Valley (external steering committee also included the San Mateo County Community College District, College of San Mateo, NOVAworks, and JobTrain)
- Participated in Stanford Graduate School of Education’s An Applied Science to Support Working Learners virtual convening to frame and create new opportunities for working learners