SAMCEDA's 2023 Wrapped

As we ring in the new year, SAMCEDA reflects on its growth, achievements, and milestones:

SAMCEDA wishes to thank our members and community partners for your support!



SAMCEDA Turns 70!

In June of 2023, over 400 business leaders, elected officials, non-profit, and education professionals came together at the San Mateo County Event Center in San Mateo to attended SAMCEDA’s Annual Meeting featuring “THRED Talks” - Weaving San Mateo County Together and to celebrate our 70th anniversary.

We honored our outgoing Chair of the Board, Stanford Medicine Children’s Health’s Sherri Sager, by acknowledging her tireless work and commitment to the organization and then welcomed our incoming Chair, Genentech’s Ariane Hogan.

[ From left to right: Stanford Medicine Children’s Health’s Sherri Sager and Genentech’s Ariane Hogan ]

In addition, State Senator Josh Becker and Assemblymember Diane Papan provided inspiring words and a very special resolution honoring SAMCEDA for all its work.

[ From left to right: Assemblymember Diane Papan, SAMCEDA's Rosanne Foust, Stanford Medicine Children’s Health’s Sherri Sager, Genentech’s Ariane Hogan, State Senator Josh Becker ]

We were fortunate to have dynamic presentations from “THRED Talks” speakers that highlight the importance of business, mental health, and our coastal communities.

"THRED Talks" Speakers (from left to right): Coastside Hope's Judith Guerrero, San Mateo Youth Advisory Group Member of allcove’s Christine Zhao, Stanford Center for Youth Mental Health and Wellbeing's Dr. Steven Adelsheim, SAMCEDA's Rosanne Foust, Renaissance Entrepreneurship Center's Tim Russell, and BKF Engineer's Marley Mueller & Doug Fleming ]

At the conclusion of the “THRED Talks” program, SAMCEDA celebrated its 70th anniversary by showcasing the week-long County Fair with guests viewing the Farmworker Heroes Exhibit & Domini Hoskins Black History Museum, while enjoying locally catered food & treats with fun activities (that included a dragon & butterfly exhibit), a walk down memory lane of SAMCEDA photos (as featured in the 2022 - 2023 Annual Update), and much more!


To learn more about SAMCEDA’s
70-year legacy and to watch the “THRED Talks” presentationsplease click here.

(Photos provided by Scott Buschman Photography)


Redefining the Narrative

SAMCEDA’s latest signature series, Redefining the Narrative, made its debut in October of 2023 at The Grove – Google Experience Center in Redwood City.

The event was created to convene thought-provoking industry experts to share information, foster collaboration through dialogue, and challenge the status quo.

Elected officials, business, community, and education leaders came together to hear from our thought leaders on crucial topics such as: youth’s online safety & mental health efforts and ensuring safety & promoting essential disease research in the life science industries.

YouTube’s Public Policy Manager, Caitlin Niedermeyer (left), and Global Head of Mental Health, Jessica DiVento Dzuban, Psy.D (center) presented the work they are doing with our youth’s online safety & mental health efforts ]

[ Carla Boragno (left), former Senior Vice President, Head of Global Engineering and Facilities, Pharma Technical Operations at Roche/Genentech, shared her knowledge of ensuring safety & promoting essential disease research in the life science industries ]

YouTube resources for families, digital literacy for youth, and more were also provided.


To learn more about SAMCEDA’s
Redefining the Narrative series, please click here.


SAMCEDA Welcomes New Board Members in 2023

In addition to welcoming Genentech’s Ariane Hogan as our new SAMCEDA Chair, SAMCEDA also welcomed 4 new Members to our Board of Directors.

[ From left to right: Recology's Carl Mennie, Hopkins & Carley's Jennifer Johnson, Meta's Juan Salazar, San Francisco International Airport's Dr. Rita Ohaya ]

We are honored and excited to have our new Board Members join SAMCEDA!


To read the announcement,
please click here.


Policy Support and Advocacy

From housing, transportation, economic development, youth mental health, and more, SAMCEDA tackles the most difficult challenges through goal-oriented solutions.

Some examples of what SAMCEDA has supported and advocated in 2023 include (partial list):


Partnerships and Collaboration

SAMCEDA recognizes that nothing is done as a single entity and through partnerships and collaborations, we are stronger together.

Organizations SAMCEDA has supported, partnered, and collaborated with include (partial list):


SAMCEDA is Now on Instagram!

Last year, SAMCEDA joined the world of Instagram - @SAMCEDA_SMC!

Since then, we have shared SAMCEDA & member events/programs/initiatives, throwback photos, fun facts, inspirational clips, and more!

Stay connected with SAMCEDA by not only following us on Instagram, but on our social media platforms:

We also encourage you and your team to sign-up for our newsletter! SAMCEDA highlights current updates and announcements (county, state and national), grant/fellowship/career advancement opportunities, article insights, business resource/tools and more.

Snippets of our newsletters can be found through our social media channels.


Follow us on Instagram, all of our social media platforms
(X, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, and YouTube) and newsletter to stay connected!


Stanford University’s Design Fellowship (Graduate School of Education) Advisory Group 

SAMCEDA served as a community collaborator to Stanford University’s Design Fellowship (Graduate School of Education) External Group to build and study new employment/education pathways for working learners in Silicon Valley

[ From left to right: JobTrain's Barrie Hathaway, NOVAworks' Marlena Sessions, Stanford University’s Dr. Mitchell Stevens, SAMCEDA's Rosanne Foust, Stanford University’s Colin Matsinhe, College of San Mateo's Andrea Vizenor, San Mateo County Community College District's Dr. Aaron McVean, SAMCEDA's Larisa Ocañada, Stanford University’s Michael Acedo ]

The external steering committee also includes the San Mateo County Community College District, College of San Mateo, NOVAworks, and JobTrain.


To learn more of Stanford University's initiative,
please click here.


2023 Progress Seminar

SAMCEDA's President & CEO, Rosanne Foust served as co-chair for Chamber San Mateo County's Progress Seminar, alongside fellow co-chairs: County of San Mateo's County Executive Officer, Mike Callagy, San Mateo County Central Labor Council's Executive Secretary-Treasurer's Julie Lind, and San Mateo County Office of Education's Superintendent of Schools' Nancy Magee.

[ SAMCEDA's Rosanne Foust welcoming Progress Seminar attendees to Saturday morning's General Session program ]

The weekend-long event began with Friday's Sparkling Spring Soire event (hosted by SAMCEDA with support from Genentech and Bohannon Development Company). Attendees gathered for an outdoor strolling dinner and reception. 

Following on Saturday and Sunday, Progress Seminar participants engaged in lively and informational sessions on mental health, life sciences, workforce, housing, and more.


To learn more about the upcoming
2024 Progress Seminar, please click here.


South Bay and Peninsula High Road Roundtable 

California Jobs First (formerly the Community Economic Resilience Fund also known as CERF) is a $600 million fund that was established by the Governor’s Office of Planning and Research to build a sustainable and equitable economy in California.

The Bay Area Jobs First Collaborative (formerly High Road Transition Collaborative) was awarded a planning grant through the fund to develop and implement economic strategies in the Bay Area. Led by All Home and the Bay Area Good Jobs Partnership for Equity, the collaborative feature sub-regional tables comprised of numerous organizations coming together.

SAMCEDA serves as a co-convener alongside: San Mateo County Central Labor CouncilSomos MayfairSouth Bay Labor Council, and Working Partnerships USA.


The South Bay and Peninsula High Road Roundtable's purpose to is convene the South Bay and Peninsula labor, community, business, and local government organizations committed to economic and racial justice, for an 18-month collaboration to re-envision regional economic development planning to develop a pilot program of high road jobs.


To learn more about the
South Bay and Peninsula High Road Roundtable, please click here.


San Mateo County Economic Regional Report

Through our partnership with Marin Economic Consulting, you can get up-to-date economic research.

Their San Mateo County Regional Report features the economic and demographic overview of San Mateo County including: employment growth, population and housing, poverty in the region, industry reports (e.g. life science, manufacturing, technology, etc.), commute patterns, and more.


To view Marin Economic Consulting's 
San Mateo County Regional Report, please click here.